Discovery Introduction

Discovery Introduction

Dive into the 'Introduction' module - understand Bloomreach's Discovery product structure and data processing, and get familiar with essential abbreviations and Pixel overview. An ideal starting point in your Discovery learning journey!

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Discovery Introduction

Why take this course?

Kickstart your learning with the Discovery Introduction module.  In under 30 minutes, go through the high-level overview of the Bloomreach Discovery core capabilities, and understand the importance of clean data and Bloomreach Pixel when working with the Discovery tools. Take the common abbreviations with you to better navigate the provided resources and lessons in the Discovery Foundations course.

Who is this course for?

This course is for anyone who wants to know about the Bloomreach Discovery functionalities without becoming the platform’s power user. It does not require technical knowledge and gives a high-level overview of the solution.

What to expect in this course?

    • Overview of the Discovery solution and core capabilities
    • Learn the importance of maintaining clean product data to improve search recall, accuracy, and relevance
    • Understand the most common abbreviations when working with Discovery
    • Get a better understanding of the importance of Bloomreach Pixel on your site


This training is designed to take about 30 minutes to complete. Work at your own pace to ensure that you fully absorb the information.

Please visit our documentation website regularly to stay updated about our fortnightly planned releases that contain critical bug fixes, feature enhancements, and new feature releases.

For more information about the course, reach out to


  • 1. Introduction Course
  • 1.1 Overview of the Discovery product
  • 1.2 Importance of Clean Product Data
  • 1.3 Abbreviation - One pager definition
  • 1.4 Importance of Bloomreach Pixel
  • Discovery Introduction: Training Evaluation
  • Training Evaluation

Discovery Introduction

Why take this course?

Kickstart your learning with the Discovery Introduction module.  In under 30 minutes, go through the high-level overview of the Bloomreach Discovery core capabilities, and understand the importance of clean data and Bloomreach Pixel when working with the Discovery tools. Take the common abbreviations with you to better navigate the provided resources and lessons in the Discovery Foundations course.

Who is this course for?

This course is for anyone who wants to know about the Bloomreach Discovery functionalities without becoming the platform’s power user. It does not require technical knowledge and gives a high-level overview of the solution.

What to expect in this course?

    • Overview of the Discovery solution and core capabilities
    • Learn the importance of maintaining clean product data to improve search recall, accuracy, and relevance
    • Understand the most common abbreviations when working with Discovery
    • Get a better understanding of the importance of Bloomreach Pixel on your site


This training is designed to take about 30 minutes to complete. Work at your own pace to ensure that you fully absorb the information.

Please visit our documentation website regularly to stay updated about our fortnightly planned releases that contain critical bug fixes, feature enhancements, and new feature releases.

For more information about the course, reach out to


  • 1. Introduction Course
  • 1.1 Overview of the Discovery product
  • 1.2 Importance of Clean Product Data
  • 1.3 Abbreviation - One pager definition
  • 1.4 Importance of Bloomreach Pixel
  • Discovery Introduction: Training Evaluation
  • Training Evaluation